Friday, February 15, 2013

Welcome Back Windows

The experiment with Ubuntu seems to be over. Ubuntu desperately bum-kicked Windows on my laptop and sort of installed itself, while also formatting my hard disk and leaving no trace of all my data. I seem to remember it happened when the dinosaurs were still around, but it’s only been about 45 days. As they say, it was fun while it lasted. I taught myself a number of things, including the fact that nearly no half-decent video chatting software works on Linux. Except maybe a pre-Roman-Empire-era version of Skype. Nevertheless (yay I get to use it!) Ubuntu is useful if you actually want to do some work and be productive. But since I am a grad student and spend most part of my year writing beautiful text in Word like software and making beautiful presentations on powerpoint like software, Ubuntu seems as useful to me as the large hadron collider to a caveman. Last week I made a powerpoint presentation on a borrowed PC and accidentally opened the file in Ubuntu (Libre Office) and saved it in the source. Libre Office made sure my beautiful, animation laden presentation was successfully made unreadable and I had to redo it. So that was that, and in spite of Ubuntu not willing to allow Windows back in a gentlemanly manner (which is a whole different story), I installed Windows back.  
In other news there was a once in a decade meteor strike in Russia today. Russia is so huge, a major 40 ton meteor strikes and nobody dies. Since nobody died, we can safely say it was spectacular. In more meteor news, an asteroid right now has come by very close to the earth to say hi and fly by and how glad we are for the courteousness, especially since like a good guest, it’s going away without coming in the door.
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