Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Back ........ yet again

I always get the feeling of "coming back" whenever i sit down to write something on my blog, which in the first place should not be there, since this is my blog and I am supposed to be here. ..But this is the way I have been... and now after putting a lot of thought into it have decided to change my ways.For the first time in my life I have prepared a list of to-do things, lovingly called resolutions. One of them being "not" coming back to the blog, but staying here.
I had decided to start writing from the first day of the new year, but "shubh kam mein der kaisi". First semester is over and I am quite happy with how it went and what i learnt, and of course happy with the gpa too. The break is proving to be a little too much, and I want it to be over soon, to get going again. The lethargy which had crept in during the break, has to be wore off and I promise it will be done.... as for now I am not coming back, I'll stay here.