Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things to do in 2012

Don't get old
Take a vacation before the world ends.
See a lava lake.
Watch Sachin's 100th 100.
Burn my underwear in protest of unfair treatment of humanity
Escape the 2012 apocalypse (of course with a pretty girl. Who wants to live alone on an island?)
Repopulate the earth.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Look

Just changed the look of the blog, the old one was ..well old. Needed a fresh look, a minimalistic design which isn't too dark or in your face and here it is.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Caffeine and Memory

Just read a very interesting paper on caffeine and how it affects our memory. Specially interesting since a number of us consume caffeine the night before an exam to mug things up or in other such instances when you have to be up all night. You probably already know too much of this stuff will make you nervy and will be no good but is it even fine to take in moderation. The answer suggested by this paper would be yes and no.

Effects of caffeine is influenced by more factors than you can think of including the time of the day, your personality, what kind of information you want to process and you gender for example. Might seem contrary but in general caffeine is better for long term memory tasks than the short term ones. Authors of this paper carried out a survey and experiment and the results show that while moderate amount of caffeine facilitated short term memory in females, contrary to popular perception it actually impaired the short term memory in males. However a higher dose of caffeine is good for both sexes.

Confused? Let's just say the paper suggests, either take no caffeine or if you have to take it take lot of it but then again not so much so as to make you restless and nervous.

Reference: The Effects of Caffeine, Impulsivity, and Sex on Memory for Word Lists, by Mary Ellen Arnold et al.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's a New Year Folks

Didn't realize it was a new year until the first day was over and somebody called me up. Well for the first time I did celebrate the new year and during the celebrations forgot why we were doing it. Unlike last few years haven't retrospected and made any list ....maybe sometime later ... haven't got any alone time yet.

One thing I wish though is that Sachin starts this year with a century again also that I finish my PhD. At least one of them is possible.

Well Hapy New Year