I probably am one of the greatest mismanager of time ever with the gift of making an ok schedule, the busiest ever. The last two weeks have been busy, but only because I wasted most part of them doing nothing. In fact I was doing something, I was thinking about working and about how busy my schedule is, and all this thinking makes me so tired, it makes me want to fall on my bed and snooze, maybe watch a movie, to be refreshed again to start thinking about work. Its actually a vicious cycle, I see a lot of work, then I see how little time I have, I panic, waste my time panicking and the result is even lesser time for work. In the end everything is left for the last minute slogging followed by a system crash. But, the next two weeks are going to be busy, seriously!! There is a never ending list of red flagged tasks, and a deadline almost every day. Thinking about work!!! PANIC ATTACK!!!! Looks like it’s going to be a long slog this time and no time for crash. GOD SHAVE ME! .... that's coz I can't find time to shave myself. The funny thing though is, now that I don't have much time,there is so much to write about :|. I'll write it all one by one, for now what I want to say is
ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US, YOU HAVE NO CHANCE TO SURVIVE, MAKE YOUR TIME.!!!! dont know what that is ;), keep guessing and wait till my next post.