Hi blog, I know I owe you an apology, but I’ve been busy with something really important. You know it and you understand it I know. Doesn’t it amaze you, how sometimes people leave all logic behind and try to make things happen, even if they are certain of a failure? Hoping for a miracle probably, but miracles don’t happen and hope is a pleasant delusion. Still, we hope against hope, we hope against logic, we hope in the face of all adversities, that’s us the humans. Human nature is sometimes more mysterious than Bermuda Triangle. If you have read “The Alchemist” or at least saw “Om Shanti Om”, you would know this quote “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it”. This probably may be the answer to my question, an unseen force pushing you, to go beyond what you think is possible, but it depends on how bad you want it, what you are prepared to loose, and whether you have your heart into it and at this point of time, I am looking towards the universe.
I am going to read “The Alchemist” again; I hope it works as a revitalizer. That word “hope” again, I don’t know how many times I’ve used it today, but then it’s become a part of my life for quite some time now. If by chance you’ve survived all the crap above and you’re still reading it, Congratulations!! You have the ability to go through nuclear winter and come out alive. By the way, if you havn’t heard Jason Mraz yet, you’re missing something. Surprisingly simple music and beautiful lyrics, the guy is amazing. Yeah, and I have moved in to a new place and I’m liking it here so far :). I’m really bad at concluding and I don’t know how to smoothly end what I’m writing so I’ll just stop here. c ya blog, c ya people.