We four had our dinner and since praveen as usual was busy with his assignments, me, karan and rubal decided to have some ice cream from Mobil. So, what’s unusual about it? Nothing, unless it is 12 o clock of a November night, its 2 degree Celsius outside, it’s raining and its windy.
But if we want to have it, we just want to have it, so we packed ourselves up to brace for wind and rain, got our umbrellas and proceeded to Mobil which is about 10 minutes walk from 1300. It was allright till we reached there, but started pouring heavily while we were on our way back. We took shelter under the EE department building, when one wise man among us suggested that we run and beat the rain to 1300, lest it starts coming down even more heavily. And we started running into the wind with our umbrellas on our heads in the heavy rain. This soon proved out to be the worst we could do, as one of us had his umbrella turned inside out and all of us got drenched by the time we got home. But... mission accomplished and we had our icecream.
I and Rubal were in Havener's centre playing Table tennis, when we got a call that we have a birthday party in Jigar's home and we have to carry a bowl of rice, at around 8 in the night. Now which b'day party starts at 8? Anyways we got home, cooked rice and went to Jigar's home, sure there were a lot of people. It was a party allright, but the question was whose birthday it was, and nobody had an answer. Finally, it became known that it was Jigar's idea of having a get together, a good one at that. Although there was no birthday but whose complaining till we get Indian food.